So, kind internet, I have a favor to ask of you. This link leads to the Smashwords page of my novel, Bodies Are Disgusting. It is a horror novel heavily influenced by Lovecraftian themes, Japanese horror games, and the guro genre. The main character is a trans person (I wrote them to be genderfluid but I’ve had several folks say they read them differently, and that’s cool too), and most of the supporting cast is queer as well. I hesitate to say that it’s “queer horror” because the characters’ queerness isn’t the point of the story, but it definitely has an affect on the way the story progresses.
If you’re still with me, here’s the favor. If you follow this link, you can use this coupon code and get it for free: LN66G The only thing that I ask in return is that, if you read and enjoy it, you leave a review/rating at your favorite retailer. It’s available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and a couple of other places too. It’d also be cool if you told your friends about it.
Now, the story does come with a few warnings for: body horror, cannibalism, gore, violence, some sexual situations, and attempted rape. I have also seen a couple of people say that it should have a warning for scopophobia, and I’ll defer to their judgement on that one.
You can download the story in just about any format you like from the Smashwords page. Once you’ve read it (and hopefully enjoyed it), all I ask is that you leave a review somewhere and share the story with anyone you think might also enjoy it. This is a limited-time offer, though, as the coupon code will expire March 17th, 2014.