MomoCon 2014 AA Seating

Well, the seating chart for the MomoCon 2014 Artists Alley is done, and now I can share with you all where I’m going to be in about a month!

Artist Alley Seating ChartThis year, the AA will be in the Mariott, separate from the Dealer’s Room. I will be sharing a table with the fine folk of Crystal Dreams Studios, and we will be in Blue-6! Please feel free to stop by and say hello!

CorgiHat User Experience Survey

As I’ve mentioned before, my father and I have been working together on an Android application we’ve dubbed CorgiHat. It’s been a labor of love for about the past six months, but we’re finally coming into the home stretch, where we’ll have something tangible to show to the world.

To celebrate this, we’ve created our first User Experience Survey over on Google forms. If you are an artist/artisan who does commission-based work, it would mean a lot to us if you could spend a few minutes to fill out our survey. None of your information will be shared with third parties, all of the fields are optional, and the only purpose your responses will be used for is to make our application better.

MomoCon Preparations

Well, it’s been a while since I last posted; I hope you all enjoyed Read an E-book Week! I know I picked up some cool stuff.

Anyway, my next big event coming up is MomoCon 2014! I’m very excited, as I will once again be both vending and helping run things as Assistant Director. We’ve got a new venue, which is very exciting, and I will be providing details about my exact location in the coming weeks. I will be sharing my table with Crystal Dreams this year, and we’ve got a lot of cool stuff in store that I’m really excited about. I’ll also have physical copies of Bodies Are Disgusting as well as some Bodies-related prints.

In the interim, for the rest of the month of April, I’m doing a special: if you purchase a physical copy of Bodies Are Disgusting on, you can download the Kindle version for free!

I’m really looking forward to seeing folks at MomoCon!